Chapter 3 - The Quarry Guide - IGN (2024)


Callum Williams,Angie Harvey,Axel Bosso,+6 more


With half of the gang heartbroken and wandering through the forest, The Quarry's third chapter will have us jump between each counsellor as the spooky shenanigans officially begin. The walkthrough below will give you all the tips and tricks needed to endure the various challenges of the chapter, as well as how to hunt down all the secrets available.

The chapter will open on Abi, who's dealing with the fallout of Emma's dare in Chapter 2. However, it seems she might've just stumbled on a bigger problem than her crush making out with her best friend...


(Abi) A Budding Romance and A Harrowing Monster Chase

When we cut to Abi, she'll be in Shady Grove (one of the two paths through the woods we could've opted to take during Chapter 2). The general goal of this section is to find the main path leading through the clearing, rejoin it and head towards the small lookout point where Abi and Nick tussled with the pig earlier. However, there are two points of interest to make sure we hit before moving the story along.

If you opted for the Rocky Road over the Shady Grove when we came through here as Nick, we can actually grab one of the two clues we missed by not coming down here. Head to the east side of Shady Grove and look for a wooden pole with a camera attached to it. This is a trail cam and will add a clue to your collection when found.

We can also find a tarot card here. Rejoin the main path leading towards the exit and simply stay on the route. The camera will cut to The Tower card in a nearby tree. Grab it and the card is officially yours. If you're struggling to find it, head back down the dirt path leading to the lookout point.

The Tower Tarot Card

When you're ready, head towards the lookout point. Right before you enter, Abi will have a ghostly encounter, hearing a spirit whisper her name. Before she can find the source of the paranormal activity, you'll hear Nick calling out for Abi from up ahead.

We'll then get an interruption, allowing us to call out to Nick and get his attention. If you opt to "call back", he'll find you instantly. If you ignore the interruption, we'll get a further two options: hide or follow voice. Both will lead us back to reuniting with Nick, so don't worry too much about what you choose.

With Nick and Abi together again, the pair will share an awkward few seconds before Nick asks Abi why she left the party. We'll be able to answer the question in two different ways:


EvasiveAbi will tell Nick that it was just because of the smoke from the fire and she needed some fresh air. Nick won't believe her.
HonestAbi will be honest with Nick, telling him it got intense and she was upset

Nick will tell her that she didn't have to leave the party. After a short silence, we'll be able to answer again:

CautiousAbi will dance around Nick's feelings for Emma, prompting him to all but confirm he isn't interested in her
DirectAbi will ask Nick about Emma, digging into if he has feelings for her

As the discussion rounds off, we'll get an interruption, this time giving us the opportunity to kiss Nick. If we kiss him, the exchange between Nick and Abi will end, starting the next part of the scene (you can skip to it here). However, if we don't kiss him, we'll get a little more dialogue that fleshes out Abi and Nick's relationship while still getting the option to kiss him later. It also means he doesn't get away scot-free with snogging our best mate because of some random dare... that's a cold move Nick... we all know it...

If you didn't kiss him, Nick will make a retort about truth or dare, calling it a stupid game. Abi can chime in with one of two options:

ApologeticAbi will claim the game dredged up true feelings
DismissiveAbi will agree that the game is stupid

Abi will then recount the story of how she met Nick, admitting she initially thought he was a bit of a tool. However, his dedication to looking after the campers made her really come to care for him. He'll claim he's not proud of all of his decisions, prompting two new dialogue options:

UnderstandingAbi will claim that everyone has bad days and he shouldn't beat himself up about it
JudgmentalAbi will blame Nick's worst moments on Jacob, telling him to stop being influenced by him

We'll then get a second opportunity to kiss Nick. Regardless of whether you do or don't kiss him, the story will move on to the next segment, as Nick and Abi hear rustling in the bushes.

Outrunning the Creature

Abi and Nick will go to investigate the noises from the bushes, eventually coming face to face with the monster that was stalking them from afar. It's definitely not human and certainly not a bear.


Nick will tell Abi to run before the creature pounces on him, severely wounding him. Gunshots will then sound, scaring the creature away and leaving Abi with a choice. Will she try to save Nick or leave him? Here are the outcomes of the choice:

Try to Save NickAbi will attempt to drag Nick away but the creature will pounce, attempting to bite her. The gunshots will sound again, scaring the creature away.Tap to Reveal
Leave NickAbi will abandon Nick, escaping on her own before the creature pounces on her, attempting to bite her. Gunshots will sound, scaring the creature away.Tap to Reveal

This choice is a path choice and is our first step on the "Pieces of Silver" choice path. With that done, we'll now be going head to head with the creature, so here's how to defend against it. Don't worry, it can't kill you here, but this is good training to learn how to beat chase sequences.

After you've evaded the creature and left Nick, we'll have to quickly hit a QTE Up and then pick whether to hide or run. Here's what happens if we pick either choice:

RunAbi will run over the top of the log, causing you to mash the action button as she evades the creature
HideAbi will hide inside the log, crawling through it. The creature will stick its hand inside and try to grab Abi. Hit a QTE down to avoid the attack.

After escaping the log, you'll arrive at a tree and get an interruption that prompts you to climb it. Here's what happens if you do or don't climb the tree:

Climb the TreeAbi climbs the tree, requiring you to hit QTE right and then perform a mash action button QTE. The creature will climb the tree after you, causing the branch you're sitting on to snap. After recovering, you'll rejoin the original path of the chase.
Don't Climb the TreeAbi skips the tree segment entirely, moving on to the final part of the chase.

You'll run from the area with the tree, descend some steps and hide in a small crevice. However, the monster isn't far away, stalking you from the shadows. You'll have to stay quiet, meaning it's time for another don't breathe QTE.

Hold down the action button, watch the red flashing light at the border of the screen and wait for it to disappear. As soon as it does, release the action button and you'll be able to sneak away.


If you fail this hiding segment, the creature will emerge from the shadows and bite you, but thanks to the gunmen firing at the beast, you'll escape. The bite will have consequences in later chapters though...

(Jacob) Going For a Swim

Following Abi's encounter with the creature in the woods, we'll cut to Jacob, who's crying down by the boat house. Emma will come join him, seeing the tears streaming down his face and reminding him that what they had was just supposed to be a summer fling.

After a short argument between the former couple, Emma will send Jacob to get towels. Jacob will eagerly agree and we'll regain control. Head into the boat house.

As soon as you enter the camera should cut to a tarot card stuck to a pillar to your right. Click to add The Star to your card collection and ensure another vision at the end of the chapter.

The Star Tarot Card

With that grabbed, look for a newspaper on top of a table just to the left of the archway in front of you. Interact with it and you'll add the North Kill Gazette clue to your collection.

North Kill Gazette Clue


We have one last clue to grab here before we move on, so from the North Kill Gazette clue, let's take a left and head to the very end of the boat house. On one of the pillars ahead, you should find a framed photo. Interact with the picture on the wall to add the Old Camp Photo clue to your collection.

With the two clues and the tarot card examined, head up the stairs in front of the boat house. You'll wind up in a small room overlooking the lake. Upon entering, look at the empty towel shelf to your right. Jacob will acknowledge there are no towels and tell Emma, who will ask him to come down and talk to her. Let's not head back just yet though.

Instead, look at the desk to the left of the towel shelf. You'll see a book on the right-hand side, which Jacob can examine, and a pair of binoculars on the left-hand side. When using the binoculars, aim them towards the tree house on the east side of the island. Jacob will spot someone (or something) skulking around in the window. He'll very casually note that it's a little odd... monsters in treehouses clearly aren't too much of a cause for concern.

When you're ready, head back down and talk to Emma. She'll jump into the lake, although Jacob will seem hesitant, telling her that she can't ignore the problem. Emma will make a joke about needing a big, strong man to come and save her, leading Jacob to respond in one of two ways:

EnthusiasticJacob will jump into the water and join Emma.
AccusatoryJacob will tell Emma to ask Nick for help. She'll be angry at him for not letting the kiss go. He'll sit down and Emma will drag him into the water

The pair will begin splashing each other. Emma will splash Jacob particularly hard leading to an interruption, with Jacob able to splash her back. The choice just lets you splash Emma one final time before continuing on as normal, so if you want cold hard revenge, splash to your heart's content.

Jacob will dive beneath the water and grab Emma's leg, pulling her down. Once he's re-emerged, Jacob will be able to throw out one of two additional dialogue options:


SentimentalJacob will tell Emma he doesn't want the Summer to end. He'll continue trying to get Emma to be long-distance with him
FlirtJacob will climb onto the dock and pose lying down. He'll jokingly tell Emma to take a picture of him for her subscribers. She'll joke back and then swim off.

Following the conversation, Jacob will end up back on the dock. He'll hear Abi scream out in terror from the forest. Now, If you broke the fuel line, Jacob will tell Emma he's going to help Abi and run off into the woods (click here to skip ahead past this next section). However, if we took the rotor arm, we'll be dealt a choice. Let's quickly cover that portion.

(Potential Death) Diving for The Rotor Arm

If we have the rotor arm, Jacob will have dropped it in the lake while climbing back onto the dock. Hearing Abi's scream, we'll get a decision: Dive in and get the rota arm or head into the woods to save Abi? If we opt to run after Abi, we'll reconverge with the story path and push on (click here to skip ahead). However, the best option is to dive for the rotor arm. If you do, we'll get an additional scene.

This is the first time a character can die, so make sure to play the segment smart. After you dive in, you'll see the rotor arm floating nearby. You can then choose to surface or grab the rotor arm. Here are the outcomes:

SurfaceJacob will return to the surface, ending the scene
GrabJacob will grab for the rotor arm, successfully getting it

If you choose to grab the rotor arm, Jacob will swim up but be confronted by a floating corpse in the lake. This corpse counts as evidence, so that's another one added to our collection.

Bloated Corpse Evidence

We'll have a new problem though, as Jacob will recoil from the body and get his arm trapped in barbed wire, dropping the rotor arm in the process. We'll have two options. Here are the outcomes:

DetangleIf we detangle the wire, Jacob will be able to swim to the surface freely and survive the encounter
PullIf we pull at the wire, Jacob won't be able to get free. We'll then get the same choice. Opt to detangle and you'll survive. If you opt to pull again, Jacob will drown.


Assuming you detangled the wire, Jacob will emerge from the lake alive but the rotor arm will be gone. The scene will then press on as he runs into the woods after Abi.

(Ryan) Saving Nick

We'll now cut back to Dylan, Kaitlyn and Ryan, who are sitting around the campfire discussing the heated exchange that just went down. Before they restart their game of Truth or Dare, they'll hear Abi screaming from the woods.

Abi will run out of the forest begging them to go find Nick, prompting Ryan to offer one of two responses. Here are the options:

ImpatientRyan will get angry at Abi, raising his voice while asking what happened to Nick. Kaitlyn will tell him to calm down.
WorriedRyan will try to calm Abi down, asking her what happened to Nick

Abi won't say anything. Kaitlyn will offer Ryan the shotgun and tell him to go into the woods and find Nick. Ryan can respond in one of two ways:

ReluctantRyan will tell Kaitlyn to go instead, causing her to lose respect for him. She'll insist she needs to help Abi and give him the shotgun anyway
AssertiveRyan will spring into action, grabbing the shotgun and running into the woods to find Nick. Kaitlyn will appreciate his courage

Catching Up to Nick

The next section will task us with catching up to Nick and saving him. To do that, we'll have to get through the woods quickly. How fast we are depends on the route we pick, with the upcoming chase giving us two opportunities to either take the safer, "follow the path" route or the riskier, "take the shortcut" route.

The riskier route will offer harder QTEs, although you'll reach Nick faster. Below, we'll list each path and the sequence of QTEs you're expected to perform.


The first path will come after a short scene of Jacob running through the woods. He can climb the rocks and head through the centre of the area or take the long route around. Here are the QTEs for each:

Follow the PathQTE up, QTE right
Take ShortcutQTE up, QTE up, QTE left, mash action button QTE

Jacob will eventually arrive at a stream. He'll have to decide whether to jump across the rocks to save time or take the long path around. Here are the QTEs for each route:

Follow the PathQTE up, QTE right
Take ShortcutQTE up, QTE left, QTE left, QTE up, QTE right

Whether or not you made it in time will start a new path known as "Finders Keepers". You'll eventually reach Nick, who's being dragged away by one of the hunters. When arriving, you'll get an interruption that allows you to shout at the attacker. Regardless of if you do or don't, he'll continue dragging Nick.

We'll then cut to a combat scenario, allowing us to shoot the hunter as he drags Nick away. Here, you'll have to opt to either shoot the hunter or leave him. Here are the two outcomes of the decision:

Shoot the HunterIf you shoot the hunter, he tanks the shot like you threw a pebble at him... the man is literally the Hulk. No damage, nothing. He just eats it, nods in acknowledgement and peaces out.... anyway, Ryan will find a vial on the floor if he shoots the hunter. Him and Nick will then leave. Here's how this choice effects a big event later in the game:Tap to Reveal
Don't Shoot the HunterNick bites the hunter's finger and manages to get free. The hunter shoots his finger off with a pistol and walks away from the scene.

Following the encounter with the hunter, Ryan will help Nick back up to his feet and then take him back to camp.

(Jacob) Meeting The Hunter

With Nick safe, we'll now cut to Jacob, who's running through the woods looking for Abi. Eventually, he'll stop, hearing noises coming from the forest. We'll get an interruption here, allowing us to call out to the source of the noises. If you do, it won't change anything, so feel free to shout away or stay silent.


Jacob will back up slightly and walk straight into a tripwire, with a noose wrapping around his leg and suspending him in the air. We'll get a mash action button QTE with Jacob trying to free his foot but it won't work. Eventually, the hunter we saw earlier will appear, spinning Jacob around. We'll have two options on what to say to him:

ThreateningJacob will curse at the hunter, asking him who he is and what he wants.
PleadingJacob will desperately ask the hunter to let him down.

The hunter will cut Jacob down. When he lands on the floor, he'll kneel next to him, grabbing something from his pocket. We'll then get an interruption, allowing us to throw dirt at the hunter and scramble away.

This interruption will start a new choice path known as "Distraction", so choose how to deal with the situation wisely. Here are both outcomes of throwing the dirt or leaving it:

Throw the DirtJacob distracts the hunter, giving him time to scramble to his feet and run
Don't Distract the HunterThe hunter will produce a vial of liquid from his pocket and pour it over Jacob's face. He'll then get up and leave

Either way, the scene will officially come to a close and we'll head back to see our good friend the fortune teller.

The Fortune Teller

We'll now arrive at the fortune teller for our fourth visit. This time, however, we'll have two cards to choose from. Listen to the fortune teller's usual mystic warnings and let her describe both The Star and The Tower cards (assuming you found both earlier).

She'll now give you a choice of seeing a premonition for The Star or The Tower. Pick whichever takes you fancy or refuse both visions altogether. Whatever you choose to do, it's time to get stuck into Chapter 4.

Up Next: Chapter 4

PreviousChapter 2NextChapter 4

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Chapter 3 - The Quarry Guide - IGN (1)

The Quarry

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Chapter 3 - The Quarry Guide - IGN (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.